Sunday, February 25, 2007


A couple months ago, my dad, my sisters, and I went surfing out at Cromwells. The surf was a nice 4-6 feet. nothing to worry about. We paddled out, and set up on the left side, and waited. About 20 minutes later, the waves started to get bigger and bigger. In 5 minutes, the waves kicked up to 8-10 feet. My dad caught the first wave he saw, leaving me with my sisters in the middle of the ocean. My sisters started crying and screaming, and I was just pissed off at my dad. My little sister tried to signal down one of the coastal rescue helicopters , but I had to make her stop. My dad came back, and started to have to girls paddle in. But, when the waves had gotten bigger, the rip tide to shore had gotten stronger, and was going against us. It took us about 45 minutes to paddle in to shore, and when we got out, we were all fuming at my dad. He promised to make it up to us, and even today, he still owes me.

The Point

The point of having a blog I believe is to share with the world your knowledge, feelings, and experiences, without running the risk of getting hurt. You can post a blog, and it will be one of billions out there. Its completely anonymous, so that no one can track you down and hurt you for what you posted. People anywhere can access it. Its not like Myspace, where all your friends will read what you post, and possibly tease you for your feelings. Only people looking for that kind of blog will find it. It helps you put your ideas out there, without any risk, and that's what alot of people need.