Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Scary Story

There was once a video tape. It was quite disturbing, and filled with horrible images. If you watched it, your phone would ring, and say, you have 7 days. And 7 days later, you would die. On the video, it showed a girl. A little girl, a mirror, dead horses, a lighthouse, a fly, hair, a chair, and last of all, a well. The last image on the tape, was the well closing, and all u can see is the ring, a ring of light. A women watched it, got scared, made a copy of it, and showed it to her friends. Soon her freinds started to die, one by one, in unexplained ways. her son got curious, and watched it to, So the women had to try to figure out how to stop her boy from dying. She soon figured out that if you made a copy of the tape, then you wouldnt die. Unfortunatly, she wasnt able to tell her friend in time to save his life. When he was walking around his house, his T.V. turned on. When he started to walk to turn it off, the static cleared, and it showed the well. Slowly, the little girl climbed out of it, and started walking towards him. She got closer and closer, and she suddenly walked rght through the T.V. screen. She slowly walked towards him, and he was unable to see her face, because her hair covered it. She slowly looked up at him, and he saw her face, disgusting and hidious. It was so horrible, it gave him a heart attack, and he died right on the spot, with a look of pain upon his face. The women came over, saw what had happened, and left the city with her son, for good.

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